About Persian art

About the Iranian Empire

History of the Persian Empire:

Persian Empire

The Persian Empire was one of the first of the world empires to emerge in the ancient Middle East, the first to unify several different peoples and cultures into one large heterogeneous state. This Empire was achieved by the emperors Cyrus and Darius, who recognized the strength of diversity, picking the best of a variety of practices and customs and welding. 

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The Persian Pottery.

About the Persian handmade Pottery.

History of the Iranian handmade ceramic:

Persian pottery

Undoubtedly, most parts of the Iran were the center of handmade Ceramic and pottery production. According to the latest archaeological survey, pottery making in Iran started from 8th millennium B.C. During the Historical Periods: Achaemenes, Parthian & Sassanian, pottery production was common mainly in their political center and famous cities. In the early Islamic period, the production of ceramics such as Polychrome, Slip-painted, Black-on-white and Luster potteries was common.

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